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영문 회칙 샘플

by Tony Park English 2008. 1. 15.


The name of this organization shall be the Korean Student Association (KSA)

ARTICLE II (Purpose)

The purposes for which this organization is formed are:

  1. To share and stimulate the interest of Korean traditions and cultures.
  2. To cooperate and participate with other student organizations and Korean society.
  3. To exchange the information from different research areas.
  4. To help each other for the problems related to the undergraduate and graduate study.
  5. To develop a confident leadership in undergraduate and graduate study.

ARTICLE III (Membership)

  • Section A.
    Membership shall be of three types: (1) full member, (2) associate member, and (3) honorary member.
  • Section B.
    1. Full member: any Korean student of the University of Texas at Arlington (UTA) who has approved a membership in the KSA and has paid their local dues.
    2. Associate member: any student of UTA who has interest in the KSA is eligible to be an associate member and becomes an associate member upon acceptance of application and payment of local dues.
    3. Honorary member: alumni of the UTA, faculty members and others who have rendered outstanding services may be elected honorary members by a majority vote of the members present at any regular meeting. A permanent roll of such members shall be maintained. However, such a member cannot vote or hold office.

ARTICLE IV (Officers)

  • Section A.
    Officers of the association shall consist of the following: president, vice-president, treasurer and secretary. These officers shall be elected according to Article I of the By-Laws. Any full member is eligible to be elected as an officer of the KSA.
  • Section B.
    Full and associate members may hold office, but only full members can vote.

ARTICLE V (Duties of the Officers)

  • Section A.
    It shall be the duty of the president to preside over all meetings of the KSA. She/he shall appoint vice-president, treasurer, secretary and all departmental representatives.
  • Section B.
    It shall be the duty of the vice-president to assume the duties of the president in his absence or upon his request.
  • Section C.
    The treasurer is responsible for and shall maintain complete and accurate records of all financial transactions of the organization.
  • Section D.
    The secretary shall keep an accurate record of the meetings and membership roll. The secretary shall submit annual reports.

ARTICLE VI (Meetings)

  • Section A.
    There shall be at least two regularly scheduled meetings for spring and fall semester in a year.
  • Section B.
    Other special meetings may be held at the discretion of the president if announced three days prior to the meeting.


Dues are payable from September 1st to December 31st for the fall semester and from January 1st to May 31st for spring semester. New members shall pay dues upon joining. Dues shall be set by the By-Laws.
ARTICLE VIII (Amendments)

Amendments submitted at regular meetings shall not be voted upon until the next regular meetings. A two-thirds majority of the full members present shall be required for adoption of any amendment.

ARTICLE IX (Advisor)

The advisor of this organization shall be one of the faculty member(s) of the UTA or anyone who has given significant contributions to KSA. The election of the advisor is set by the By-Laws.

ARTICLE X (Rules and Regulations)

This constitution shall be subject to all rules and regulations of the UTA.


ARTICLE I (Election Procedure)

  1. Election of officers shall be held at the meetings of the spring and fall semesters with nominations being submitted before meeting.
  2. Elections of officers shall be determined by a majority vote of the full members present. Election shall be a secrete ballot.
  3. Officers shall assume office at the time of election and shall hold office until their successors are duly elected.
  4. The advisor shall be elected by a majority vote of the full members present.


  1. The president, upon registration, shall be succeeded by the vice-president.
  2. In case of vacancy of any office other than the president, the office shall be filled by the president with the approval of full members


Dues will be determined by membership vote at the regular meetings of spring and fall semesters.
